Tuesday 13 January 2015

La Troupe d'Orphée 'Opera of the year 2014' and in the top five lists of the NRC

La Troupe d'Orphée 'Opera of the year 2014' and in the top five lists of the NRC

An extra festive ending to 2014. The readers of Place de l'Opera chose La troupe d'Orphée as 'Opera of the year 2014'. Above all, La troupe d'Orphée gained a second place ranking in the NRC Handelsblad in one of the categories of their top five best performances and concerts of the year. In addition, OPERA2DAY was nominated a ‘runner-up’ for the ‘Schaunard Award’.

Opera of the year 2014

After a nomination selection by professionals, the readers of 'Place de l'Opéra' chose La troupe d'Orphée as 'Opera of the year 2014'. The company thereby is at the head of a chic list, earning, according to the website, a ‘convincing majority’.

1. La troupe d’Orphée (OPERA2DAY)
2. Der Ring des Nibelungen (De Nationale Opera)
3. Falstaff (De Nationale Opera)
4. Gurre-Lieder (De Nationale Opera)
5. L’étoile (De Nationale Opera)

You can read more about the election here and also about how artistic director Serge van Veggel was surprised one morning by the editors (article in Dutch).

For this result in the 'Opera of the year' election, we have to thank not only the experts for their nomination, but above all, the voting of several hundred people. We are grateful to all who voted for us. We are particularly happy that this production, which was also so special for us, also touched them. We see this selection as encouragement to create something even more beautiful! 

Runner-up for Schaunard Award

The company was in addition nominated ‘runner-up’ in the voting for the ‘Schaunard Award’. A great winner was De Nederlandse Reisopera who was nominated as a company that knows how to maintain a constantly high level. As runners-up, we would like to congratulate them! 

In the NRC Top five lists

There was even more gratifying news. La troupe d'Orphée ended in the NRC Handelsblad in second place in one of the top five lists of best performances and concerts of the year. The reviewers and editors of the newspaper have a tradition of publishing their favourites lists. La troupe was chosen by reviewer Joep Stapel. He concisely described the production as follows: ‘a baroque opera of modest resources and much power of imagination harnessed to create a fantastic theatrical experience.’ Read the whole article in the NRC archive or via Blendle.

Release of La Troupe d'Orphée DVD on the way

La troupe d'Orphée was recorded in high resolution picture and sound. The production will shortly be released on DVD and in high quality ‘online streaming’. The DVD is currently in the possession of the donors who last spring contributed to the realisation of this recording by their sponsorship via Voordekunst.nl. We will keep you up to date when the sales start through our website.

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