OPERA2DAY generally combines its productions with educational projects for secondary schools. In these projects we give the students an active part in or around a performance and thus involve them in and enthuse them about (often) their first experience with opera. 

For more information about upcoming (or previous) projects please contact our coordinator Mieke van der Ven at educatie@opera2day.nl or 06-23365583.


teachers' reactions

“OPERA2DAY, after its beautiful 'Dolhuys Kermis', enthused us about the 'Médée' project, a truly unique project. What an excellent idea to have students participate in such a difficult discipline. With a combination of enthusiasm and professional competence OPERA2DAY managed to provide them with a cultural experience which led our students to see opera in a different light.”

“We thought the workshops were fascinating and informative. The aim to involve students and have them participate is a very good idea and makes it a lot more interesting for students to 'go to the opera'. The students said their participation was exciting, fun and useful.”

“We are very enthusiastic about the quality of the workshops and the support towards becoming an extra. We have high praise for the performance 'Mariken in the garden of delights', which was well-received, also because of the thorough preparation. For us it was a fine and valuable project.”

“For us 'Dr. Miracle' was a miracle in itself – the entire group of music students was involved, from havo 4 through vwo 6. The workshop was marvellous and the fact that they played an important part in the performance was a wonderful experience for all participants. And what a beautiful performance it was. One of the students said: ‘I did not know opera could be such fun.’ Well, this one was.”


students' reactions

On Thursday 20 November our CKV culture class attended the opera 'Médée'. Not just to see it; we were participants. We played the people. In three weeks we learned several yells as well as a festive song. We followed both singing classes and drama classes. In the drama classes we practiced the phrases we had to shout in the theatre. We also studied the storyline

At the night of the opera we had to be present in the theatre at half past five. We had the dress rehearsal with the orchestra and the conductor and were informed of the latest adaptations. We were scattered throughout the theatre in groups of three. Apart from us there were three other choirs and another secondary school. The opera started at half past seven and of course we were apprehensive. Fortunately, we had two more hours before we had to perform.

We thought it was fun and impressive, not an everyday thing. We had never been to an opera, that is why it was very special to us. The reactions of the rest of the audience made it extra special. They were surprised, but pleasantly. When we broke into the song, many people turned their heads to find out where the singing was coming from. 

We want to thank OPERA2DAY for this terrific experience. And of course we also thank our CKV teacher who set this up for us.

  • '

    Once again, OPERA2DAY proved that one must take into account this The Hague-based opera company which, starting from tradition, realizes one sensational performance after the other

  • Theaterkrant
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