Wednesday 29 January 2025

Start auditions 'The Opera Circus': Opera Meets Acrobatics

Start auditions 'The Opera Circus': Opera Meets Acrobatics

In our new opera, The Opera Circus, OPERA2DAY once again joins forces with the Nederlandse Bachvereniging. The Bachvereniging and OPERA2DAY previously toured together twice, playing to sold-out theaters. 

Wednesday 29 January 2025

Sing along with 'NOW WE ARE EARTH / An Orchestra!'

Sing along with 'NOW WE ARE EARTH / An Orchestra!'

NOW WE ARE EARTH / An Orchestra is a musical and visual dance opera by theater maker Nicole Beutler. In each city of the tour, we invite a local choir of enthusiastic music lovers to bring the performance to life together! Whether you're an experienced singer or simply enjoy singing, everyone is welcome.

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  • '

    Once again, OPERA2DAY proved that one must take into account this The Hague-based opera company which, starting from tradition, realizes one sensational performance after the other

  • Theaterkrant
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